Talented cigarmaker Omar Ortez makes his handmade puros of Nicaraguan origin where all components are grown on the same farm in Nicaragua near the factory just north of Esteli. Dark ligero fillers are bold, spicy and loaded with flavors. Omar Ortez Originals are
high quality stogies that will entice your palate with ultra rich smoke and satisfying aroma. When you ask yourself this question: where can I buy cigars? When you buy cigars online, you may ask yourself where to buy cigars online, or what is the best place to buy cigars online? You want to feel like you know who you are ordering from and that you can trust the quality, expertise and history of the company. Whether you buy premium cigars like Padron or discount cigars, you will want to order from the leader in the cigar industry since 1950 with the most cigar brands available. This is a wake up and smoke cigar that will really wake you up. A fuller bodied powerhouse cigar that many experts claim as their everyday smoke.


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